Cleaning robot in the industry


“有了Wetrok机器人,我只需要一台机器就可以进行自动和手动清洁. 完全自主的机器人没有这种灵活性.»

Andreas Furtmeier是巴伐利亚建筑清洁公司Furtmeier Gebäudeservice KG的总经理. In April 2023, he purchased the company’s first cleaning robot: Robomatic Marvin from Wetrok. 在我们的采访中,这位建筑清洁的工匠大师解释了为什么他认为部分自动化的机器人要比完全自动化的机器人优越得多.

Mr Furtmeier, you recently acquired a cleaning robot. Why?
我猜你一定在想:福特迈尔先生想裁员. But that isn’t the case at all, quite the opposite is true. We’re urgently looking for well-qualified cleaning personnel. 正是由于这种短缺,由于缺乏熟练工人,我们决定选择机器人. We want to prepare for the future.

Can a robot replace qualified skilled workers?
No, never! That’s not the point at all. Our approach is to look ahead. We want to delegate repetitive, monotonous work such as floor cleaning to the robot, 所以我们合格的工人可以专注于更复杂的清洁任务. In the future when we no longer have enough workers, 我们至少可以用机器人来承担一小部分工作. In addition, a robot can deliver a consistent level of quality.

You chose the Robomatic Marvin, a partially autonomous robot. What made you decide against a fully autonomous model?
Believe me, I tested about half of all cleaning robots on the market, that could have been an option, fully autonomous as well as partially autonomous ones. The Robomatic Marvin 似乎是经过深思熟虑的最佳选择,从技术上和实践上都是如此. 许多完全自主的机器人对于我们的应用领域来说太大太笨重了. Meanwhile, 机器人马文有一个非常紧凑的设计:它可以通过任何门口,并可以灵活地通过狭窄的走廊.  它也适合混合使用:作为一个机器人,但也作为一个正常的洗涤-烘干机需要时. It is a single machine that can do it all, 而完全自主的机器人却没有这种灵活性. I also like the Teach & 重复方法:我可以向机器人展示路线,然后它会复制这个, without any programming or mapping work required. 在我们使用它的建筑中,这是一个很大的优势:我们的客户经常改变布局, 将隔断墙移至空间内其他地方或设置新的障碍物. 如果是完全自主的机器人,我每次都得打电话给技术人员, 但有了马文,我可以直接“展示”给机器人看新路线. 另一方面,我们的大多数客户还没有为完全自动化的解决方案做好准备.

What does that mean in concrete terms?
客户没有完全自动化机器的环境, 或者他们没有高的清洁频率,这将是使机器人值得的必要条件. 让一个完全自主的机器人每周打扫一次地板是不划算的. What’s more, 在我们的许多客户的建筑物中没有空间放置坞站, or they do not have a lift. I also need a person on site to clean the suction lips, service the docking station, fix a leaky siphon, or remove dirt from the waste gratings. 机器人不能做到这一点,这就是为什么它只能用于部分工作. Full autonomy of a robot is often advertised as a success factor, 但我认为这是我们最大的弱点:它使我们依赖他人,缺乏灵活性.

注重创新是富美亚公司为自己制定的道德准则的基石之一. Did this focus play a role in your decision to acquire a robot?
Yes, definitely. Our motto is «For your success». 这意味着每一天,我们尽我们所能让我们的客户快乐和成功. 在这种情况下,尽可能有效地使用新技术是一种优势.

How does the partially autonomous robot work?
It’s very simple! I take the robot over the floor area that is to be cleaned once. The machine saves the route. The next time I bring the Robomatic Marvin to the starting point, 它会沿着这条完全独立学习的路线进行清理. Kind of like a cassette recorder with record and play buttons.

In which building do you use the robot?
机器人马文用于清洁生产公司的地板,该公司为制造和自动化任务制造系统. 这似乎非常合适:机器人清理一些大厅的地板,这些大厅是仍在制造中的同类机器人的家园. There are three halls, each around 1,000 square metres big, and the floors are coated with epoxy resin. 我们客户的员工看到马文走进大厅总是很兴奋. 有一天他缺席了,每个人都开玩笑地问马文是不是病了(他笑了)。.

The usual industrial dirt: dust, oils, grease, woodchips, pallet marks, rubber marks and coffee stains.

What does the personnel do while the robot is cleaning the floor?
Everything the robot can’t do! That means they are cleaning edges and corners. In addition, there’s all the work above the floor, such as emptying bins, topping up paper towels and toilet paper, cleaning surfaces, removing cobwebs. 最大的好处是:所有这些工作现在都是在地板清洁的同时完成的.

我们客户食堂的木地板只是偶尔用机器清洗一下, 所以在这里用机器人模式“教”机器人马文是没有意义的. 相反,我们在这里使用机器人作为传统的洗涤-干燥器,一年多次. The main advantage: we can go over the same spot repeatedly, if there is any stubborn soiling or dried-in stains. 如果有需要,我们也使用Marvin进行小空间的现场清洁.g. WCs) or for special cleaning of smaller areas in the halls.

38 minutes (he laughs). That was enough for me to know that we needed this robot. 我们已经使用Wetrok的Discomatic Mambo洗涤干燥器很多年了,非常成功. 它是为数不多的有足够的刷压来清除顽固污垢的干洗刷机之一, by the way. When I heard that the Robomatic Marvin was based on this machine, I trusted it right away, 我很想知道它在机器人领域的发展.

因此,这个机器人的清洁能力和Discomatic Mambo一样彻底?
Absolutely! 事实上,我们现在需要更频繁地清洁边缘,因为由于 Marvin, and you’d see the difference right away if we didn’t. If we had to write our new robot team member a reference, 我们要称赞他的清洁工作质量高,效率高. 幸运的是,机器人还不需要推荐信(他眨了眨眼).

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